The organizing committee for the 2023 Bioconductor 
conference<2023%20Bioconductor%20conference> (BioC2023), to be held in Boston 
August 2-4, is looking for organizers to help in planning the event. 
Participation involves attending approximately monthly remote meetings (more 
frequently as the conference approaches) plus taking on responsibilities in one 
or more of the areas listed in this Google form<>.

Come join our organizing committee - expand your network and meet like-minded 
people who share your passion! Also, join the #bioc2023 channel on<> for all 
conference-related news!

Maria Doyle, PhD
Bioconductor Community Manager

School of Medicine,
University of Limerick, Limerick, V94 T9PX
[I work flexible hours across several time zones. I don't expect you to read or 
respond to my emails outside of your normal working hours]

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