Hi Andrew,

Perhaps I'm not understanding your workflow correctly, but it looks like
your email in the DESCRIPTION that was uploaded to the Bioc submission
system is an @dfci.harvard.edu one.  That's what I see at
https://github.com/NKInstinct/flowGate/blob/master/DESCRIPTION and it is
the same if I checkout the version on the git.bioconductor.org.

I don't see any problem with the way you've formatted the maintainer field,
so I think if you update both the email and package version number and then
push the changes to the Bioc repository you should see that error go away.


On Wed, 22 Feb 2023 at 22:54, Andrew Wight <andrew.wigh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all - I've just had my new package submission error on build with
> ERROR: Maintainer must register at the support site; visit
>       https://support.bioconductor.org/accounts/signup/
> However, I am registered on the support site, so I think I've specified the
> maintainer wrong somehow in the DESCRIPTION file, and would appreciate any
> help figuring out what I'm messing up here. Relevant files & debugging I've
> tried is listed below:
> *1. Package DESCRIPTION file:*
> Package: flowGate
> Type: Package
> Title: Interactive Cytometry Gating in R
> Version: 0.99.0
> Authors@R: c(person("Andrew",
>                     "Wight",
>                     email = "andrew.wigh...@gmail.com",
>                     role = c("aut", "cre")),
>              person("Harvey",
>                     "Cantor",
>                     email = "harvey_can...@dfci.harvard.edu",
>                     role = c("ldr")))
> Description: flowGate adds an interactive Shiny app to allow manual
>     GUI-based gating of flow cytometry data in R. Using flowGate,
>     you can draw 1D and 2D span/rectangle gates, quadrant gates,
>     and polygon gates on flow cytometry data by interactively drawing
>     the gates on a plot of your data, rather than by specifying gate
>     coordinates. This package is especially geared toward wet-lab
>     cytometerists looking to take advantage of R for cytometry
>     analysis, without necessarily having a lot of R experience.
> License: MIT + file LICENSE
> Encoding: UTF-8
> LazyData: false
> Imports:
>     shiny (>= 1.5.0),
>     BiocManager (>= 1.30.10),
>     flowCore (>= 2.0.1),
>     dplyr (>= 1.0.0),
>     ggplot2 (>= 3.3.2),
>     rlang (>= 0.4.7),
>     purrr,
>     tibble,
>     methods
> Depends:
>     flowWorkspace (>= 4.0.6),
>     ggcyto (>= 1.16.0),
>     R (>= 4.2)
> RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
> Suggests:
>     knitr,
>     rmarkdown,
>     stringr,
>     tidyverse,
>     testthat
> VignetteBuilder: knitr
> biocViews:
>     Software,
>     WorkflowStep,
>     FlowCytometry,
>     Preprocessing,
>     ImmunoOncology,
>     DataImport
> *2. Confirming that I'm registered to the support site:*
> https://support.bioconductor.org/api/email/andrew.wight10%40gmail.com/
> returns TRUE
> *3. Some debugging I've done:*
>    - calling maintainer("flowGate") returns an empty character, but calling
>    desc::desc_get_maintainer() correctly returns me as the maintainer
>    - Adding a "Maintainer: Andrew Wight <andrew.wigh...@gmail.com>" line
> to
>    the DESCRIPTION file completely corrects this error in BiocCheck but
> then
>    introduces a new error (since BiocCheck doesn't want me to use the
>    Maintainer field)
>    - Taken together, this suggests that I've specified the maintainer wrong
>    in Authors@R, but for the life of me the only way I can see to do it is
>    to add role = "cre" to one of the authors which I've done
> Again, huge thanks for any help pointing me in the correct direction for
> fixing this!
> -Andrew
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