As a result of some Mac Intel and Mac Silicon binaries for 3.17 and 3.18 not linking correctly to the dynamic libraries as reported at and on the community Slack, we've corrected the linking on the builders and bumped versions for affected packages listed below so that their binaries may be rebuilt correctly. The new binaries should be available from Wednesday 1pm ET.
If you are a maintainer of one of the affected packages, please remember to pull from before doing work on the corresponding branch. Additionally, thanks to Herve, we can also see that links are corrected at the end of the build bin step of the report under 'Fixing paths to dynamic libraries.' 3.17 BANDITS BASiCS BDMMAcorrect BPRMeth BUSpaRse BUSseq BayesSpace CGEN CNAnorm COMPASS CelliD DEScan2 DESeq2 DNAcopy DegNorm DifferentialRegulation FRASER GGPA GRENITS GeneSelectMMD GeneticsPed HDTD LEA Linnorm MSstats NuPoP OUTRIDER SAIGEgds SC3 SIMLR SNPRelate affyPLM bambu bandle bayNorm ccImpute celda chromVAR densvis distinct edgeR enhancerHomologSearch epigraHMM epistasisGA genefilter glmGamPoi graper iClusterPlus iPath impute oligo pRoloc preprocessCore qpgraph sSNAPPY scGPS scde scmap scran scuttle signeR 3.18 BPRMeth CGEN CNAnorm COMPASS DNAcopy GGPA GRENITS GeneSelectMMD GeneticsPed GeoDiff HDTD LEA Linnorm MSstats NuPoP SAIGEgds SIMLR SNPRelate affyPLM densvis edgeR genefilter graper iClusterPlus impute preprocessCore Jennifer Wokaty (they/them) Waldron Lab at CUNY SPH Bioconductor Core Team [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _______________________________________________ mailing list