Dear Hervé, dear Rhtslib developers, dear BioC core team,

I am regularly checking all BioC check results in order to make sure that I
do not miss any issues of the four Bioconductor packages that I am
maintaining. It seems that the ‘podkat’ package in BioC 3.17 release has not
been built for arm64 yet. On the results page, ‘podkat’
has been “red” for weeks now. It seems to me that the reason for this is
that ‘Rhtslib’ does not build either. I have now looked at the results page
of ‘Rhtslib’
and it seems that it is a simple issue with a lock file on the build server,
but not a major problem why the package is not built (who knows, but I
suppose so). I am therefore asking if anybody is able to resolve that issue
such that the ‘Rhtslib’ package builds for arm64 and , as a consequence,
hopefully, my ‘podkat’ package too.

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards,

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