for five month project training you can try at IBI Biosolution or Optimum
Biosolutions both are  Chandigarh based Bioinformatics companies.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 1:50 AM, prabhat gupta <

> hello frnds.can any body help me for five month projects work?i want to do
> my project in any company and plz tell me in which companies
> and institutes where could i applied?plzzzzzzzzzzm in 3rd sem of
> M.Sc.Biotech,from KIIT University,bhubaneswar.orissa,kalinga.
>                      thankyou
>   On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:52 PM, Sanjay Bafna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Hello doctor,
>>                    my suggestion for u is to opt for Clinical research as
>> your new career field which is a more specific field of Bioinformatics.
>> Definitely CR will help u a lot. There are some institutions like ICRI, IBI
>> Biosolutions, those have training programs in this field. Just have a formal
>> training and launch up ur career in clinical research.
>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 6:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> i am a doctor of 41 years age with 15 years of experience in govt.
>>> service currently working as asst. professor in physiology in a govt.
>>> medical college.i want to know if i can make a carreer in
>>> e-mail id is :[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

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