Miss Shweta,

It's good that you hav finished MSc...

You need not worry that u hav had lost ur time when it every thing has to be
done , ofcourse every one makes this same mistake as i do too. but there are
many ways you can build a good career from here on ...
1. search for labs and intitutions which offer internships for msc fellows
2. Try to smoothen ur basics and crack few xams which lets u to eligible for
such posts....

hope that i was right....

Have a great day friend :-)

wishing u a good days ahead  :-)

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 4:46 PM, shweta <shweta.k1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ive completed my msc in life sciences and want to make a career in
> proteomics.
> since i do not have a very solid background in bioinformatics please
> tell me how i should plan my career as i do not want to spend huge
> amount of money on training courses. if i do need to join one, pl tell
> me which one is recommeneded for me.
> please reply soon.
> thanks,
> shweta
> >

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