Dear colleagues,

A hands-on course called "Programmatic access in Java: webservices & work flows" will be held on 24-27 November 2008 at the European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK. This course will give you the skills to leverage webservice technology to access and manipulate bioinformatics data resources and tools. You will start with simple scripts accessing individual services and then build upon this to create work flows to solve more complex problems in a reusable manner.

Participants will be exposed to open standards such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP); the Distributed Annotation System (DAS); REST services and the BioMart web service. Several examples of specific web services will be included, covering programmatic access to both databases and tools at the EBI.

The course costs £75 and interested candidates are encouraged to apply online at the URL below (the training is free, however we need to charge participants an administration fee of £25 per day to cover food and materials, and participants need to pay their own travel and accommodation):

This course will have a maximum number of 40 participants on a first come first serve basis, so please register early to avoid disappointment.

*The deadline for registering for this event is Monday 27 October 2008.*

Best regards,

James Watson

James D Watson
Scientific Training Officer
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Tel: +44(0)1223 492541

Upcoming hands on training courses (

26-27 August 2008: Interactions and Pathways
1-3 September 2008: Joint EBI–ENFIN workshop - Protein function prediction tools
8-11 September 2008: Programmatic access in Perl: webservices & work flows
6-8 October 2008: 2-day dip into the EBI’s data resources: Understanding your data
24-27 November 2008: Programmatic access in Java: webservices & work flows

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