The rationale was to prevent it being changed by the programmer, because
if that happens then Hibernate gets seriously confused (it relies on the
PKs remaining constant whilst an object is in memory).

Hilmar Lapp wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2008, at 10:02 AM, Richard Holland wrote:
>> Yes, the bioentry_id is private.
> What's the rationale for that? It's the primary key; why should it be
> forbidden to view it, even for derived classes?
> (For a Bioperl-db persistent object, the primary key is public and
> always accessible as $pobj->primary_key(). It can even be changed by the
> programmer, though of course you should know what you're doing when you
> decide to do that.)
>     -hilmar

Richard Holland, BSc MBCS
Finance Director, Eagle Genomics Ltd
M: +44 7500 438846 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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