
Pjotr Prins will be the GSoC project administrator for the Open
Bioinformatics Foundation this year. I am passing along his message about
this year's organisation and deadlines:

Game on! GSoC 2013 is ON. I am running with the OBF project
administration this year for the Google Summer of code (GSoC).
First and foremost I want to thank Robert Buels and others for making
OBF/GSoC a success in the previous three years! This year, Robert, Chris
Fields and Hilmar Lapp will act as backup administrators.

The deadline for the OBF application for GSoC2013 as a mentoring
organisation is Friday March 29! See


Similar to previous years, each Bio* project needs to update and add project
ideas on the project's individual OBF wiki page and create links from the
OBF page at


(we will update the main information on that page soon).

So, for each of the OBF projects that wants to do GSoC again this

1. Update the list of project ideas on your project's GSoC page (BioPython,
   BioPerl, BioRuby, etc). Add new ones, remove ones that have already been
   or no longer relevant, etc. For an example see


2. Update the final list of project ideas on the main OBF GSoC page
   to match.


3. Register with g...@lists.open-bio.org

4. Announce it on that list when you are ready :)

Anyone can submit a project idea! Former GSoC students are especially
encouraged to contribute ideas to the mailing lists.

Please have the updates done by Friday March 22nd. The number and quality of
the project ideas are part of the evaluation process for whether OBF is
accepted as a Summer of Code organisation again this year, so let's come up
with some good ones!

Pj. (Pjotr Prins)

Important dates:

  * March 22nd: Finalise project ideas
  * March 29th: Deadline OBF mentoring organisation submission to Google

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