Looking at the multipliers, I would hazard a guess that the *intent* is to 
multiply the numbers 0,1,2,3 (ACGT) rather than the ASCII codes. Are you sure 
the code uses ASCII values?

On 20 Sep 2013, at 15:16, Nick England <nickengl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Everyone,
> I've stepped through with a debugger, and this is a bad bug.
> The code to translate from RNA->Protein does the following:
> - Take the ASCII Value for the 3 RNA bases, and multiple the first pos by
> 16, second by 4 and third by 1 and add them up.
> - Assume there won't be any collisions.
> Here are the values which it then uses:
> A:65
> G:71
> C:67
> U:85
> N:78
> ANA: 1417
> CAU: 1417
> ANG: 1423
> CGA: 1423
> Notice any hash collisions?
> I don't get why this wasn't done in a standard JavaHashMap which would
> ensure that any collisions were resolved. This is a pretty critical bug for
> a biology informatics package.
> Nick
> On 20 September 2013 13:45, Nick England <nickengl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hara,
>> Hmm this is rather odd. I get the same issue with that sequence with a
>> custom engine as well.
>> My code has:
>> Builder builder = new TranscriptionEngine.Builder();
>>    builder.initMet(false);
>>    builder.translateNCodons(true);
>>    builder.trimStop(false);
>>    TranscriptionEngine engine = builder.build();
>>    Sequence<AminoAcidCompound> seq=engine.translate(new
>> DNASequence("GTNTGTTAGTGT"));
>>    assertEquals("XC*C", seq.toString());
>>    Sequence<AminoAcidCompound> seq2=engine.translate(new
>> DNASequence("ANAANG"));
>>    System.out.println(seq2);
>> the first sequence translates as expected, but your sequence is
>> translating as HR, when it should be XX. This looks like a pretty bad bug!
>> Nick
>> On 19 September 2013 19:59, Hara Dilley <hdil...@sutrobio.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there an issue with the DNA Translation in biojava3.core?
>>> It appears that it wants to translate "N" in certain cases
>>> Executing:
>>> new
>>> DNASequence("ANAANG").getRNASequence().getProteinSequence().getSequenceAsString();
>>> will produce  aa HR.
>>> thanks
>>> Hara
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