Fellow Bird Users, 

I thought our bird installation was ready for prime-time as one thing caught my 
eye which I don't like at all, but hopefully you can help me out - we do bgp 
connections like this (only necessary stuff displayed): 

protocol bgp R1120x193_203_0_25 {

  local as myas;
  neighbor as 1120;
  password "xyz";
  import filter bgp_in_AS1120x193_203_0_25;
  export all;
  table T1120x193_203_0_25;
  rs client;
  start delay time 55;

filter bgp_in_AS1120x193_203_0_25
prefix set allnet;
  # ...
  allnet = [,,, ];
  if ! (net ~ allnet) then reject;

Now I realized that if I changed the definition for 'allnet' and do a 
'configure soft' these routes that are added or removed to 'allnet' are not 
rejected or added, because it seems that there is no bgp soft reconfiguration 
taking place (it works if I trigger a soft reconfiguration outbound on the peer 
router, or if I restart the protocol which causes bgp to flap). I know that 
nix.cz doesn't need this, as filtering is done in the pipe protocol, but we 
would really really like to filter at the very border, and if the filters 
change, I think a bgp soft reconfiguration inbound would be great. Is there a 
way to do a bgp soft reconfiguration, so that the routes are re-transmitted / 

Thanks for any help and have a nice weekend; 

www.vix.at | www.aco.net
w...@univie.ac.at | WH844-RIPE
Vienna University Computer Center
Tel: +43 1 4277-14031 | Fax: -9140

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