On Apr 9, 2010, at 12:44 , Arnold Nipper wrote:
> Is this really a BIRD bug? I guess it is expected behaviour to drop a
> session if you _think_ you missed keepalives

Time Counters within a Daemon should NEVER be dependent on the system time, so 
yes, I would consider this a bug of BIRD, but it seems that BIRD has 
implemented this correctly, as Ondrej said. 

> The bug is w/ the underlying OS. Virtualisation and keeping time really
> seems to be a problem. For this and other reasons we refrain from using
> a VM for RS.

We'll see how this works out. 

> Arnold
> -- 
> Arnold Nipper / nIPper consulting, Sandhausen, Germany
> email: arn...@nipper.de       phone: +49 6224 9259 299
> mobile: +49 172 2650958         fax: +49 6224 9259 333

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