Hi all,

I'm runnning bird6 version 1.2.5 and bird version 1.2.5 and I'm experiencing a problem:

Bird returns a syntax error at the "else:" line while bird6 tells me it's okay. Is this a well known bug or am I doing somethinig wrong? Do you see any workaround?

case arg1 {
        2: print "two"; print "I can do more commands without {}";
        3 .. 5: print "three to five";
        else: print "something else";

Note that I got the version via apt-get on Debian...


Jerome Durand

Responsable des services aux usagers
Services operations & support manager

            Réseau National de Télécommunications
     pour la Technologie, l'Enseignement et la Recherche

Tel:    +33 (0) 1 53 94 20 40  |  GIP RENATER
Fax:    +33 (0) 1 53 94 20 41  |  23-25 rue Daviel
E-mail: jdur...@renater.fr     |  75013 PARIS
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