On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 03:29:45 +0000, Nick
<n...@somerandomnick.ano.mailgate.vanet.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 04:02:32AM +0100, Arnold Nipper wrote:
>> Ciao Simone,
>> on 28.01.2011 18:18 Simone Morandini wrote:
>> > a (hopefully) quick question: one of our peer says it is announcing
>> > a set of network to the route server, but there routes do not
>> > actually appear to be there... If I issue a "sh route protocol
>> > <PEER>" the list is empty, as well as if I issue "sh route where
>> > bgp_path.first=<peer-as>". Is there a way to check if those network
>> > actually arrive to the route server?
>> > 
>> very much depends on how your config looks like. If you don't have any
>> incoming filters you should be able to see any announcement.
>> Worst case is that you will have to sniff on the interface to see
>> going on.
> or set debug for their protocol and check the log

In the scenario where filters was applied on pipes, not on BGP protocols,
all received routes can be viewed via CLI:
show route protocol <PEER> table <TABLE_FOR_THAT_PEER>.

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