On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 01:39:53PM +0200, Lars-Johan Liman wrote:
> I wanted to attempt to build BIRD under MacOS X, but already at
> unpacking I ran into the following
> tcsh> tar zxf bird-1.3.1.tar.gz
> tar: Cannot rename bird-1.3.1/Doc.naNlkt to bird-1.3.1/Doc (Is a directory)
> tcsh>
> ... which stems from the fact that the source tree contains both a
> "Doc/" subdirectory and a "doc/" directory,
> tcsh> tar ztf bird-1.3.1.tar.gz | egrep -i 'bird-1.3.1/doc$'
> bird-1.3.1/doc
> bird-1.3.1/Doc
> tcsh>
> which of course works just fine in most *nix file systems, since they
> traditionally are case sensitive. However, HFS(+) on the Mac can be
> installed either as case sensitive or as case INsensitive, with the
> latter being the default. (No, I don't advocate this! I just note that
> as a fact.) The result is of course a name clash on most Mac systems.
> Is there any change that you can change one of the names to avoid the
> clash in future releases?

I think this is the least of possible problems. You could just delete
Doc file, it is not needed for compilation. If a future release would
work under MacOS X, we could fix problems with name clash, otherwise
it is a bit pointless.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Ondrej 'SanTiago' Zajicek (email: santi...@crfreenet.org)
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