I resend this because I forgot complete subscription first. So if this is duplicate message I am sorry.
But to the problem:

I have similar issue but I dont have multiple ip addresses or mtu problem.
Looks that on some cases another side router stuck to loading state and another 
side is on full state. On this point
I must restart this side what says that it is on full state.
So looks that some how that router what ways "loading" wait something from that router 
what says "full"
but because this "full" it does not send it any more... Or something :)
wierd thing is that even stop and start this router what is on loading state it 
not help.
I must stop and start this router what is on full state.
This was reason why I just upgrade my bird on routers to 1.3.1 but looks that 
it does not help for this problem.
This problem is random but when my network comes larger problems appears more 
I have ~170 routes from ospf and I use hello 1 and dead 10.

ps. What bird does if loading routes takes more time than hello timer is?

  On Thursday 24 of March 2011, Ondrej Zajicek wrote:
  >   On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 08:57:23AM +0100, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:
  >   >   >   Tou can always check it with tcpdump or wireshark on ospf lan.
  >   >   >
  >   >   >   tcpdump -vv -nn -i<interface>   host
  >   >
  >   >   I don't see bad IPs used, dump using
  >   >   tcpdump -vv -nn -i eth0 ether host mac-addr and proto 89
  >   >   
  >   Don't you have assymetric MTU?
  >   It seems that there is MTU 9000 on x.x.5.135 and MTU 1500 on x.x.5.159
  >   MTU have to be the same, otherwise x.x.5.135 would send big packets
  >   and x.x.5.159 would drop them.

  That seem to be it, thanks!

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