On 13.9.2011 16:39, Michael Vallaly wrote:
> Hello,


> I migrated some of our routers to Bird 1.3.3 yesterday and noticed that
> I was getting a syntax error in some of our previously working bird
> 1.3.2 configurations.
> Seems the word "external" is now a reserved word in 1.3.3?
> /etc/bird.conf
> <snip>
> 6 :
> 7 : # Configure Additional Routing Tables
> 8 : table internal;
> 9 : table external;
> 10:
> </snip>
> The configuration above seems to work fine in 1.3.2, and
> generates a syntax error on line 9 in bird 1.3.3.
> Just wanted to make sure this was expected behavior.

Yes, it was added as an option to the OSPF configuration. Look at

We are sorry for that. :-(


> <snip>
> birdc show symbols |grep -ci external
> 0
> </snip>
> Thanks again to all the developers making bird such a great piece of
> software.
> -Mike

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