Hey Alessandro,

As for you question:
There are two levels that you should notice while this can or cannot happen.
If your network has couple peers and for example the end of the Fiber Optic cables is attached at the IXP to a machine that you *own* you will see one thing. While if your machine is in the other end of the cable and a switch that is owned by the IXP is managing the traffic your strategy would be different.

Since IXP have rules every participant would be obligated to not abuse other peers without at-least contact the IXP or ISP management. If one of the peers would be found abusing you, he will need eventually to pay for the *usage* of bandwidth since it's the same thing like using your friend car without permission.

Most public IXP ISPs or companies would not try to abuse others peers intentionally but sometimes it can happen that an automated system was missing a "column" or whatever and someone made a mistake.

It would be preferable to define a rule in the switch that would not allow any "rouge" traffic to be dropped\blocked but this is not a security measure but a smart thing to implement if possible.

The basic general rule is to use a policy route rule that applies to a specific interface and specific traffic.
For example: "for interface0 allow only traffic from my internal src IPs"
This will protect you from rouge clients inside your network imposing to other IP addresses.

But this logic is more of a FIREWALL and\or IPTABLES logic.
In a router you don't want any unneeded processing that is above the routing level!

When you use a tool like PING for example and the kernel determines that there is no "route" in the routing table which matches the host it will drop in the terminal something like "no route to this host". Inside a router it's another story in a completely lower level in the kernel. The kernel "catch" a packet from the interface and put it in the corresponding routing "table" which then if found and only if found a route "best" matches it will use it to just "put" the packet into the cable again towards the next router in the network changing couple tiny binary data.

There should not be a "default" route in use in the router that applies also on the *forwarded* traffic.
(I will not say anything regarding using a default route globally)

Once you have a route policy which "throw" the traffic that is either flowing from your network IP masks or flowing towards your IP masks in the right interfaces you can throw it towards the right routing table which contains only the needed routes. Remember that the packet has only one IP address as a src and one IP address as a dst which can be matched for two different interfaces but there are packets that will never contain src IP address on a specific interface.

If you must use IPTABLES for securing your router host there is a NO_TRACK module in IPTABLES which should assist you to avoid any connection tracking for the FORWARD table by removing any unneeded load on the kernel and kernel modules operations.

I have read about something regarding using packet MARKING(not connection marking) and IPTABLES which can help while applying dynamic rules on LB routers.

One system that can demonstrate a Linux routing system setup would be VYATTA which already uses quagga.

The algorithm that cisco or juniper apply that you have asked about is not public(to me) and in the case of a Linux kernel it would not even make sense to look at their settings or code. It's sounds to me like "I have a drill and I want to put a nail in the wall".

I would just first ask at the IXP what administrative rules they have and what are the basic support I have from them about a case I need their help to block some traffic or even contact the abuser by phone or knock his office\home door.

Traffic flowing towards your router do add overhead to the CPU and power-consumption if continues a long period of time.


On 03/12/13 14:04, Alessandro Brega wrote:
Now for security I wonder if other participants could not simply route
all their outgoing traffic through me? For example what happens if any
other participant would point a default route to my IXP ip. If I
understand correctly all outgoing traffic from that participant would
then go to my router which would route it to the internet using my
transit uplink, right?

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