
Ondrej Zajicek wrote, 26.03.2014 4:21:
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 02:14:47PM +0400, Aleksey Berezin wrote:
Recently I tried to test BFD implementation in 1.4.0 BIRD release.

I am glad you tried the new BFD implementation, your post is perhaps
the first public response to it.

We also starting to test BFD implementation.

Have some questions/suggestions.

1) How we can view via birdc the state of BFD-enabled peer in terms of BFD state (up/down) ?

2) When BFD with some BGP peer is in Up state, how BFD-related parameters for that peer can be viewed via birdc?
Examples for similar outputs from Cisco&Juniper - in attach.

3) We enabled BFD for some BGP peer when BGP proto was Established.
We see BFD Down packets with tcpdump, BGP remains Established.
We don't find in logs any info about BFD state for that BGP peer, probably this is not normal.

Other side configured BFD several days later. We don't see any information in logs about changing BFD state for that peer (from Down to Up). Probably this is also not normal.

4) (Minor)
"bird> show protocols all bfd1" shows some Routes counters. Does that make sense?

Best regards,
Mikhail A. Grishin <m...@msk-ix.ru>
show bfd session address extensive||
||                                                  Detect   Transmit||
||Address                  State     Interface      Time     Interval
||               Up                       1.800    
0.300        3||
|| Client Static, TX interval 0.100, RX interval 0.300||
|| Session up time 2w6d 21:45, previous down time 00:01:09||
|| Local diagnostic CtlExpire, remote diagnostic CtlExpire||
|| Remote state Up, version 1||
|| Min async interval 0.100, min slow interval 1.000||
|| Adaptive async TX interval 0.100, RX interval 0.600||
|| Local min TX interval 0.100, minimum RX interval 0.300, multiplier 3||
|*| Remote min TX interval 0.100, min RX interval 0.300, multiplier 3|*|
|| Local discriminator 2, remote discriminator 12||
|| Echo mode disabled/inactive||
|| Multi-hop route table 7, local-address||

#sh bfd neighbors  details

IPv4 Sessions
NeighAddr                              LD/RD         RH/RS     State     Int                         1/3468765899 Up        Up        Vl356
Session state is UP and not using echo function.
Session Host: Software
Handle: 1
Local Diag: 0, Demand mode: 0, Poll bit: 0
MinTxInt: 750000, MinRxInt: 750000, Multiplier: 5
Received MinRxInt: 20000, Received Multiplier: 5
Holddown (hits): 3518(0), Hello (hits): 750(279939)
Rx Count: 298379, Rx Interval (ms) min/max/avg: 36/680/619 last: 232 ms ago
Tx Count: 279941, Tx Interval (ms) min/max/avg: 1/768/660 last: 712 ms ago
Elapsed time watermarks: 0 0 (last: 0)
Registered protocols: BGP CEF
Uptime: 2d03h
Last packet: Version: 1                  - Diagnostic: 0
             State bit: Up               - Demand bit: 0
             Poll bit: 0                 - Final bit: 0
             C bit: 0
             Multiplier: 5               - Length: 24
             My Discr.: 3468765899       - Your Discr.: 1
             Min tx interval: 50000      - Min rx interval: 20000
             Min Echo interval: 0

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