
My system is Ubuntu 13.04, kernel version is 3.8.0-21-generic, bird version
is 1.3.10.

I want to achieve lo: 0 (eg: address as the route-id of the
device, while learning through ospf routing protocol ip address to manage
the device through this ip address.

Configured as follows:

1: I'm on a device configured lo:0 interface address:

ifconfig lo:0

root @ sr1 :/ usr / local / bird # ifconfig lo:0
lo: 0 Link encap: Local Loopback
          inet addr: Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU: 65536 Metric: 1

2: The bird in the configuration is as follows:

In direct proto configured lo: 0 Interface

protocol direct {
interface "eth1",;

In the kernel configuration is as follows:

protocol kernel
# Learn; # Learn all alien routes from the kernel
# Persist; # Don't remove routes on bird shutdown
device routes;
scan time 15; # Scan kernel routing table every 15 seconds
import none; # Default is import all
export all; # Default is export none
# Kernel table 5; # Kernel table to synchronize with (default: main)


The problem is found in bird default route pointing to the interface, and
the interface address lo not found in the routing table, and why?

bird> show interfaces
1001-lo up (index = 1)
1004 - MultiAccess AdminUp LinkUp Loopback Ignored MTU = 65536
1003 - / 0 (Primary, scope univ) / 8 (Unselected, scope host)

root @ sr1 :/ usr / local / bird # birdc-v
0001 BIRD 1.3.10 ready.
bird> show route
1007- / 0 dev lo [direct1 16:55] * (240)


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