
I've been playing around with BIRD and OSPF for a while now and ran
across an error I don't quite understand, while trying to get BIRD to
advertise ip addresses on the loopback interface on a debian 10 server.

# bird.conf:

debug protocoll all;

protocol device {

    scan time 10;


protocol ospf v3 ospf_ip4 {

    ipv4 {

        export filter accept;

        import filter accept;

        import keep filtered;


    area {

        interface "lo", "dummy*" {

            stub yes;




# ip addr show dev lo

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet scope global lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::1/128 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Please note that loopback has a ipv6 link local address to get bird to
recognize the interface.

In theory, this should advertise to other ospf routers, yet
it doesn't and BIRD complains about LSAs with an invalid prefix

This should advertise to other routers and add the
respective entries to the  LSADB, yet bird starts complaing about an
invalid LSA: "ospf_ip4: Invalid prefix in LSA (Type: 2001, Id:,
Rt:", I have attached the debug output of bird.

Any help would be appreciated.

Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < interface lo goes up
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address on interface lo added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address on interface lo added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address ::1/128 on interface lo added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < interface enp1s0 goes up
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address on interface enp1s0 added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address fdde:e540:e627::/64 on interface enp1s0 added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address fe80::/64 on interface enp1s0 added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < interface enp8s0 goes up
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address on interface enp8s0 added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address fe80::/64 on interface enp8s0 added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < interface dn42 goes up
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address on interface dn42 added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < interface wg0 created
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < interface enp7s0 goes up
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address on interface enp7s0 added
Apr 11 20:13:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address fe80::/64 on interface enp7s0 added
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Updating router state for area
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Originating LSA: Type: 2001, Id:, Rt:, Seq: 80000001
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Scheduling routing table calculation
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Originating LSA: Type: 2009, Id:, Rt:, Seq: 80000001
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table calculation
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table calculation for area
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table calculation for inter-area (area
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table calculation for ext routes
Apr 11 20:13:20 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table synchronization
Apr 11 20:13:29 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:13:39 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:13:49 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:13:59 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:14:09 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:14:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:14:29 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:14:39 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:14:49 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:14:59 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:15:09 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:15:19 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:15:29 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces
Apr 11 20:15:37 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < address fe80::1/128 on interface lo added
Apr 11 20:15:37 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Adding interface lo (IID 64) to area
Apr 11 20:15:37 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4 < interface lo changes preferred address
Apr 11 20:15:37 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Interface lo changed state from Down to Waiting
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Updating router state for area
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Originating LSA: Type: 2009, Id:, Rt:, Seq: 80000002
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Scheduling routing table calculation
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Updating link state for lo (Id:
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Originating LSA: Type: 0008, Id:, Rt:, Seq: 80000001
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table calculation
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table calculation for area
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Invalid prefix in LSA (Type: 2001, Id:, Rt:
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table calculation for inter-area (area
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table calculation for ext routes
Apr 11 20:15:38 dn42-router0 bird[750]: ospf_ip4: Starting routing table synchronization
Apr 11 20:15:39 dn42-router0 bird[750]: device1: Scanning interfaces

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