Hello Ondrej,

On Tue, 06 Aug 2019, Ondrej Filip wrote:
> I was able to prepare packages for CentOS 7. You can check
> ftp://bird.network.cz/pub/bird/centos/7/x86_64

aside of that the packages can't be downloaded (likely some permissions
missing), your packages don't align with the Fedora Packaging Guidelines
for multiple reasons, sorry ;-(

-rw-r--r--   14       50      1056532   Mar  1 08:36   bird2-2.0.4-8.el7.src.rpm
-rw-r--r--   14       50       365292   Mar  1 08:36   
-rw----r--   14       50      1104377   Aug  5 16:12   bird2-2.0.5-1.el7.src.rpm
-rw----r--   14       50       392860   Aug  5 16:12   

https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/bird/blob/master/f/bird.spec in case
you're interested. IIRC your packages are also not built with CFLAGS and
LDFLAGS that Fedora and EPEL endorse (and not inside a clean mock chroot).

For RHEL/CentOS 7, the way seems either to pass -fPIC explicitly or to use
a more recent GCC (like Fedora does) which handles -flto more nicely.


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