This posting is a follow-up sighting.

I saw the male VARIED THRUSH on Saturday, Jan. 11, 2003. I arrived bright & early at noon. :-) It came out ot the thick Red Cedars just 5 minutes later and fed on the ground below the feeder. This home has very thick Red Cedar & Pine to shelter birds, plus open water nearby, so the bird should remain for quite some time to come. Birders are welcome.

I stayed around for 1/2 hr, but did not see it again. However, the owner Mrs. Rita Chapman says that during the mornings it comes maybe every 15-30 minutes. The purported female has never been seen at the same time as the male, so perhaps there is just one male bird. Please post if you also see a female.

Observe from the NE corner of their double-garage, along the walkway on the left side of the garage. It uses the feeder close to their home and will feed from the ground below the feeder when the squirrels & Jays give it room. This species is rather nervous, so try to approach along the garage QUIETLY and remain still.


It was first reported by Terry Sprage with these comments:

"The bird first appeared on Tuesday, January 7th. The bird can be found at Civic Address # 383 Prinyer's Cove Crescent. It is mandatory that birders park well off the road and not block any driveways. The bird can be best viewed by approaching no closer than the back of the double garage where it can be viewed at a feeder 50 feet away on the right side of the house."

Picton is about 60 km west of Kingston.
From Picton, take Highway 33 eastward for about 10 km to almost the Glenora
Ferry, then turn south (right) onto County Road 7 which ascends to Lake-on-the-Mountain. Continue a further ~17 km to Prinyer's Cove Crescent, turn left, and drive ~2 km to # 383 Prinyer's Cove Crescent.

Best Pishes,

Ken Kingdon

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