Thanks everyone, we saw the beautiful HAWK OWL today Wed. at 11:30 exactly
where posted previously. South of there we also saw a Common Raven on Guelph
Line between Lowville and Mt. Nemo Con. Area.
      Heading towards home looking for the elusive Snowy Owl we found a
group of SNOW BUNTINGS in the rocky section of the Pier 26 parking lot  near
the ships.  That's in Burlingon off  Eastport Dr
     At Confederation Park in Stoney Creek we had a   " pretty sure "
sighting of an immature BALD EAGLE  heading out over the lake.
     Then BLUEBIRDS on Fly Rd. just a bit east of  Thirty Rd.
     Nice day despite the cold.
     Nancy Smith, Joan Burns


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