Today around 12:45 I spotted a completely white gull hanging about on the
ice behind the break wall at Humber Bay (Lake Ontario).   The exact location
is due south at Ellis Ave and Lakeshore Ave. in west end Toronto.

I am almost certain that it is an immature Glaucous Gull as it is completely
white, has a "pale flesh" bill with a black tip and much larger than the
mostly ring-billed seagulls around it but about the size of the Great
Black-backed gull.  It did have a few greyish pale blemishes on it's back.

Attila Fust

P.S.  When I spotted the Glaucous I was on the way back from a Toronto Field
Naturalist's (TFN) outing lead by Verna Higgins at Humber Bay Park West.
The highlights included two Horned Grebes, two Long-eared owls, a
Yellow-rumped Warbler and a solitary Wood Duck hanging around with about 50
Mallards and two Black Ducks.

"Attila Fust" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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