Hi All,

Had a chance to head out to the Hamilton & Stoney Creek area on Tuesday
March 25 and checked Lake Ontario in a few spots.

Beginning around the Burlington Ship Canal we had 3 Horned Grebes in various
states of moult (one in close-to full breeding plumage), these were out near
the lighthouse on the lake end of the canal.  Further south at Windemere
Basin were another 5 Horned Grebes along with 2 Pied-billed Grebes (in
close, on the harbour side of the bridge, beside the docked ships) as well
as various ducks including 2 Hooded Mergansers, 10 Northern Shoveler and 50+
Ruddy Duck, amongst others.

Heading east toward Stoney Creek, I was surprised to see a Great Egret
standing in the pond at Confederation Park (seen from the North Service

At Millen Road (just east of Confederation Park) was a winter plumaged
Red-throated Loon and another 2 Horned Grebes.  At various other stops in
the area, i.e. Green Rd, Grays Rd, Fruitland Rd, Jones Rd, Lewis Rd and
Fifty Rd, there were a good variety of ducks but none of the "goodies" that
had been mentioned recently, NO Surf or Black Scoters, NO King Eider but did
have a male Blue-winged Teal (which looked weird sitting out on Lake Ontario
rather than in a marsh or sewage lagoon), as well as American Wigeon,
Canvasback, Redhead, 1000's of Long-tailed Duck, 100's of White-winged
Scoters and a total of 12 Horned Grebes (including those mentioned earlier).

Quickly checked Beamer Conservation Area but the rain had just passed
through and not much was flying (1 Northern Harrier, 1 Red-shouldered Hawk
and 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk).  Although, at the feeders, was a Fox Sparrow
(singing beautifully) and to the south at the edges of the open field were 4
Eastern Bluebirds, another Fox Sparrow, a singing Eastern Towhee, a fly-over
Northern Flicker and an Eastern Phoebe passing through.

All in all an enjoyable early spring day of birding.

Good birding,
Frank Pinilla
Richmond Hill, ON

All the roads mentioned in the Stoney Creek area (Jones, Lewis, Fruitland,
etc.) are accessible from the North Service Road (which runs parallel to the
QEW, nearer the lake) from Confederation Park at the westernmost end to
Fifty Road at the easternmost end.

Burlington Ship Canal is accessible off Eastport Drive, which can be
accessed off the QEW in Hamilton/Burlington.

Windemere Basin is found off Eastport Drive, south of the Ship Canal, you
can enter where there is a Truck Wash and a sign for "Pier 25", enter along
this road and park off to the side as many trucks use the road, you can't
miss the large ships docked in the area.  The basin will be the large body
of water on your left, you may need a scope for some of the more distant
ducks but the Shovelers and the two species of grebes were right by the
bridge over the water outlet.

Beamer Conservation Area - exit off the QEW at Grimsby, look for the
Christie Street exit and head south through town along Christie and up the
escarpment, at the top is Ridge Road (intersection is a little hidden), turn
right/west on Ridge and follow along until you see Quarry Road on the
right/north, turn on Quarry and then make a right turn into the C.A.

"Frank Pinilla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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