Several interesting sightings in the Rideau Valley Field Naturalists area
over the past 2 days.
First - on the 24th there was a Red-necked Grebe on the river near Lower
Reach Park in Smiths Falls - seen by at least 3 people, but later not
Today - a Red-throated Loon in winter plumage, and a male Barrow's Goldeneye
at Kilmarnock.  In the same area on the 24th the first Tree Swallow of the
Directions:  Kilmarnock is about 10 km east of Smiths Falls off Cty Rd 43.
Take Kilmarnock Road (only goes one way) and the Loon was close to the first
bridge you cross on the south side.  The Barrow's was in the same area, but
on the opposite side of the bridge, and further away, along with Hooded
Mergansers, Ring-necked Ducks and Canada Geese.
                Jean Griffin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Jean Griffin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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