Hello Birders

Today, March 26 Mary Schuster and I did a little early spring birding from Cobourg to Whitby. The best bird of the day was an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull in lovely breeding plumage at Cobourg Harbour. Also in the group of gulls there on the ice was an adult white-winged gull which remained asleep the entire time. We were unsure of id, but judging by size (about the same size as the adjacent Herring Gull) we thought most likely an Iceland Gull.

Elsewhere we saw most of the same early migrants others have been reporting in southern Ontario.


From the 401 at Cobourg take exit 474 (the second exit when travelling eastbound) turn left at the stop and drive south to the lake.


Carol Horner
Toronto, Ontario
chorner at sympaticoNOSPAM.ca
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