For the thirteenth year in a row, a Eurasian Wigeon has turned up here at
Long Point at Lee Brown's Waterfowl Viewing Area just west of Port Royal on
Reg. Rd. 42.  This year's bird was discovered yesterday evening by Doug
Tozer and was there again this evening at 6:30 when I looked for it.  As
always I offer my usual caution about viewing the birds at Lee Brown's:
Stay in your vehicle if you hope to see this bird.  The birds are very
skittish and all will flush at the slightest hint of human presence.

Tundra Swan migration is rapidly tailing off after last Friday's peak of at
least 10,000 birds, many of which were crowded into the open lead in the
ice off the mouth of Big Creek.  As the Bay cleared of ice this week, the
swans seemed to disappear as well.  A few flocks are being seen daily; most
appear to be heading straight northwest without pause.

With the clearing of the ice, the Bay has filled with thousands of diving
ducks.  Bring a scope; most are a long way out.

Our resident Sandhill Cranes can constantly be heard setting up territory
in both the Big Creek and Turkey Point marshes.

Ron Ridout
Bird Studies Canada
P.O. Box 160
115 Front St.
Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0
Phone: W:519-586-3531
Fax: 519-586-3532

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