Well birding is definitely on the upswing in SW Ontario
Notables this week are
Great Egret (arrived sunday) and Great Blue Herons at Muddy Creek
Wood Ducks and Common Loons (2) at Pt Pelee (north dike pond)
Fox Sparrows (6) Behind the Days Inn
Green Winged Teal in Hillman Marsh
Broad winged hawk over Hillman Marsh
Bonapartes Gulls in Wheatley Harbor

Ducks are on the decline with only small rafts of Scaup and Red Heads in Wheatley Harbor and area last evening and a flock of over 50 turkey Vultures flew through Wheatley last night (approx 6:00 pm) (having a hard time fighting the strong winds).

Good Birding

Bruce Patterson
B & B's Bed and Breakfast
216 Erie St. South
Wheatley (Around the corner from Pt Pelee) Ontario

Bruce and Bea Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  • Wheatley and Area Bruce and Bea Patterson
    • Wheatley and Area Bruce and Bea Patterson

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