With today's welcome sunshine, the early spring migrants that had
arrived earlier in
the BOBCAYGEON area, came out in full force demonstrating once again
their abilities
to survive the adverse weather conditions which Ontario has experienced

We saw a YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER on Anderson Line north of the village
redrilling  sap holes in a maple tree that was still coated in ice from
the week's three day storm.
Scores of AMERICAN ROBINS searched for bare ground along the same
sideroad in a frenzy of territorial squabbles...some were heading
southward !!! A lone and likely hungry TURKEY VULTURE skimmed the nearby
snow covered fields. Eastern Meadowlarks sunned in treetops and an
EASTERN PHOEBE was reseen at a farmyard where since mid March it had
been feasting on cluster flies which were emerging in the warmer days of
10 days ago.The Eastern Bluebirds which were seen in the area a week ago
were absent today.Let's hope they survived.

As other birders have reported the return of these late snowstorms has
brought birds back to the
feeders in great concentrations and gives us a chance to closely observe
and compare foraging
habits. At feeders at SPRUCE LANE  B & B on Anderson Line we observed
numerous SONG
SPARROWS  competing with at least 5 hefty FOX SPARROWS, both of whom had
MOURNING DOVES and DARK-EYED JUNCOES which have spent the winter there.
In the nearby woods, the drumming of a PILEATED WOODPECKER was first
heard, then observed...mating signals ???
BLUE JAYS which might be soon nesting were only heard but not seen.

In Bobcaygeon a good number of COMMON GOLDENEYE, BUFFLEHEAD, RING
DUCKS continued to congregate in the RIVER joining the COMMON LOON which
spent the winter there.Several HOODED MERGANSERS which were seen all
over the rural area last week
in ponds and creeks were back in the river due to the return of colder
weather. A good spot to
observe all of these is from the Camp Grounds enroute to CTY Rd. 24.

DIRECTIONS: Bobcaygeon is 32 kms north east of Lindsay via Hwy 36 on the
Trent Canal System.

John Bick
Bobcaygeon, On


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