A glorious sun and warmth brought birders to enjoy the avian sightings on
April 20 AM in Thickson's Woods in southwest Whitby,ON. Some
highlights--several Yellow-rumped Warblers, several Pine Warblers, Eastern
Towhee, many Hermit Thrushes, Brown Thrasher, several Brown Creepers and
Winter Wrens, both Kinglets, Y-b Sapsuckers and many N.Flickers. On the lake
were many Red-breasted Mergansers and, along the waterfront--Spotted
Sandpiper. Tree Swallows were abundant in the Meadow. I was fortunate to
have spotted 2 AMERICAN WOODCOCKS in the roadside thickets.

In the wetland at the north platform on the west side of Cranberry Marsh
were 4 Am.Coots, many Blue-winged Teal. Reported earlier in the morning
along the north pathway were several Hermit Thrushes and 1 WOOD THRUSH

Thickson's Wods is at the base of Thickson Rd. which exits from the 401.
Cranberry Marsh is accessed from Hall's Rd., 1 block east of Lakeridge Rd.
in southwest Whitby.

Doug Lockrey, Whitby ON

"Doug Lockrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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