Tricolored Heron in Southwest Oxford
May 6, 2003

For the second day a Tricolored Heron has been frequenting the shoreline of a small lake at the Spring Lake RV campground about 10 minutes south of Ingersoll and 10 minutes northwest of Tilsonburg.

The bird was discovered yesterday at 10:00 a.m. by Nadine Bird of Tilsonburg. Several London area birders searched unsuccessfully for it late yesterday afternoon and evening and again this morning. However, the bird was present at 10:20 a.m. this morning when Ross Snider checked. It was fishing along the lakeshore until at least 11:45 a.m. this morning.

There are several densely vegetated ponds to the south of this open lake where the bird may be roosting between feeding.

From Exit 216 on the 401 at Ingersoll go south 7 concessions on Culloden Road until you reach Prouse Road. Turn right and Spring Lake is immediately on your right. On both May 5 and 6 the bird was first seen feeding at the west end of the lake at around 10:00 a.m. but this morning was seen at the east and south sides of the lake. The bird can be seen well from Prouse Road. Properties on both sides are heavily posted "No Trespassing". Ross Snider and I watched the bird from 30 m distance while we were standing on the shoulder of Prouse.

Dave Martin & Ross Snider
Harrietsville, ON


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