It seems to be a big Spring for Willets.  Bob Curry and Glenda Slessor
reported 17 at Turkey Point yesterday evening along with several Little

May is a difficult month for those of us stuck inside at a desk but the
view from BSC's office can, at times, serve to soothe seasonal birding
anxiety.  While gazing wistfully out the window today (no doubt pining for
the Spruce bogs), Doug Tozer noticed a darker mantled gull feeding in the
field across the street with a number of Ring-billed Gulls.  A closer look
with a telescope revealed a third-summer Lesser Black-backed Gull.  A few
minutes later an adult Franklin's Gull was found in the same flock of
gulls.  Two great additions to our office list!

A few kilometers down the road, the adult male Eurasian Wigeon continues to
be seen at the Lee Brown Waterfowl Management Area.

Last night's thunderstorms resulted in a moderate fallout here at Long
Point with over 200 birds banded at Old Cut this morning.
Ron Ridout
Bird Studies Canada
P.O. Box 160
115 Front St.
Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0
Phone: W:519-586-3531
Fax: 519-586-3532

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