Good morning,

Bird activity in the Park improved slightly over yesterday. More people
reported coming across small to medium groups of warblers in the Park.
Most common amongst them are the YELLOW WARBLERS.  Also relatively
little lull, YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER number increased slightly this morning
too. Also numerous and quite obvious are the WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS, seen
most easily along the margins of the beach and WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS
seen inland. Although not common, BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER numbers
appear to be rising too. Thrush numbers are definitely increasing with
many VEERY, HERMIT and WOOD THRUSH reported. Few if any Swainson's Thrush
and no Gray-cheeked Thrush have been reported.

Some of the few species noted in the Bird Sighting Book this morning

Golden-winged Warbler - (2 males) - Tip area and Redbud Trail
Hooded Warbler (1) - Post Woods
Black-billed Cuckoo - (1) - Tilden's Woods
Northern Parula - (1) - Tilden's Woods
Yellow-throated Vireo - (3) - Tilden's Woods and Woodland Nature Trail
Winter Wren - (2) - Tilden's Woods and WNT (late)
Rusty Blackbird - (1) - WNT
N. Waterthrush - (8) -Tilden's Woods and WNT
Merlin - (1) - Tip area
Pergerine Falcon - (1) - Tip area

News from Wheatley just in, that a first year Glaucous Gull was seen in
the harbour, and that the "orange" Ruff was seen again in the area of
sites 192, and 196 at the Wheatley Provincial Park Campground.

Also reported yesterday:

Yellow-breasted Chat - (1) - Woodland Nature Trail
Sedge Wren - (1) - Woodland Nature Trail
Orange-crowned Warbler - (1) - Redbud Trail
Willet - (15) - west side of Wheatley Harbour

*** A probable HERMIT WARBLER was also reported yesterday at Tilden's
Woods. The bird has not been refound today. ***

Good Birding,

John Haselmayer, Karl Konze, Dave Martin, Pete Read, Alan Wormington
Staff, Friends of Point Pelee


Point Pelee National Park and the Friends of Point Pelee are pleased to
present the 2003 Festival of Birds from April 26 to May 26. This years
events include daily hikes, County Hot Spot Tours, "Birders Breakfast"
and much. For more information, please visit or Birders may also be
interested in the free shorebird hikes offered by Essex Region
Conservation Authority (ERCA) at the new shorebird impoundment. 

- To contact the Friends of Point Pelee please call 519-326-6173, fax
519-326-7925 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- For general park information, please call 519-322-2365.
- To contact ERCA, please call 519-776-5209.

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