Amidst high southwest winds and intermittent rain, a brave few stood on Fish
Point's tip to witness an impressive reverse migration of orioles, tanagers,
and warblers. Highlights included 2 CERULEAN WARBLERS, 1 HOODED WARBLER, and

Yesterday, a SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER and 2 DARK-EYED JUNCOS were reported
from Sheridan Point.

Cumulative May total for Pelee Island: 178 species
There will be daily bird hikes on Pelee Island until at least May 20. Cost
$4.00 includes admission to Heritage Centre. Inquire at Centre at foot of
West Dock for times and locations, and details on best birding areas and
current rarities.

The Heritage Centre is open from 10 am - 5 pm daily. 519-724-2291. The foyer
contains a 'sightings board' listing May bird sightings (open 24 hours).
Lighthouse Point is on the NE corner of the island, Sheridan Point on the NW
corner, Mill Point on the SE corner, and Fish Point on the SW corner, due
south of the West Dock.

Pelee Island can be reached by ferry leaving Leamington daily. For times and
reservations, call 1-800-661-2220.

Paul Carter, Irena Knezevic
Pelee Island Heritage Centre

"pimuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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