Hi All!

This afternoon I saw about 30 Black Bellied Plover
less than 1 km east of Port Alma on the Talbot Trail. 
They were on the north side of the road in the field
with the corn stubble.  Opposite on the south side of
the road, in the water of the construction site of a
new house, was 1 Short billed Dowitcher.  Further east
on the Talbot Trail, about 1 km past Port Crewe, were
more BB. Plover (approx. 50) also on the north side of
the road. 

As well the wild Turkeys are still hanging out in Port
Alma.  I seem to see them mostly on the west side of
town, in the backyards of the houses.

Port Crewe and Port Alma are located between Wheatley
and Blenheim on the Talbot Trail, formerly Hwy #3.

Good birding,

Ellen Smout
London, Ontario

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