Have tried to see (or hear) Yellow Rails (the bird) on at least seven
occasions over the past three years with no luck at the alleged favourite
spots at Carden Plain north of Kirkfield (on Wylie road near the small
bridge). Indeed, with all the discoverings of this rare find both there and
at Pres'quille (sp?), no one before had actually stated that they had seen
such rail.
    Finally however, on last Thursday May 15, while right on the bridge I
saw them - four yellow rails, - one on each of the four corners of the
bridge - two each joined up no less by yellow wire cable. They seemed
actually to be holding up the bridge. They had probably been there on all of
the other occasions during which I had been there, but I had been too
unobservant to notice them.
    Not what I had hoped to see perhaps, but they were clearly yellow and
they would be called rails by most engineers, I believe.
    If only others had pointed out such obvious sightings.
    Or, are others absolutely sure that a collection of ticking sounds from
the swamp area are actually made by a bird, - the Yellow Rail, and not by
the groanings of that little bridge?
       Anyhow - just a story of seeming misadventure once again, by a
yearning birder. 
                Yours etc.  Dick Tafel, North Bay

Richard Tafel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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