A superbly sunny day greeted birders for this holiday May 18 Sunday at
Thickson's Woods in southeast Whitby,ON. Yours truly was botanizing in north
Pickering during the AM, arriving at Thickson's in early afternoon to learn
that individual numbers of migrants was not great, but I was happy to sight
my first Wilson's for the year.
Highlights for May 18- WARBLERS-- Tennessee-2, N.Parula-3, Golden-winged-1,
Wilson's-1, Canada-2, Magnolia-6, Ovenbird-2, Yellow-5, C.Yellowthroat-1,
Cape May-1, Blackburnian-1, Yellow-rumped-10, Yellow-breasted Chat-1,
Bay-breasted-1, N.Waterthrush-1
Eastern Wood Pewee
Philadelphia Vireo
Least Flycatcher
Baltimore Oriole
Wood Thrush
Brown Thrasher

Doug Lockrey, Whitby

"Doug Lockrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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