Today I birded the areas along 1st and 4th Line
Nassagaweya between between 25 and 10 side road in
north Milton. I heard and saw a Common Raven that was
being harassed by an American Crow in an area north
of Hilton Falls. The area was 2 to 3 miles (3k to 5k)
east north east of 4th Line Nassagaweya at 10 side
on the Bruce Trail.

Seven N. Waterthrushes sang from the flooded cedar
bogs along 25 side road and 4th line Nassagaweya, and
White-throated Sparrows were singing on 25 side road.

Other numbers:
Pine Warbler 8 males
Ovenbird 27 males
Nashville 2
Tennessee 1
Black&White 2
Blackpoll 1
Magnolia 2
Mourning 1
Blue-winged 2
Am. Redstart 6
Blackburnian 3
Chestnut-sided 6
Black-thr. Green 1
Brown Creeper 1 male
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 4
Blue-headed Vireo 1 male
Bobolink 4 males

Exit the 401 at Guelph Line and drive north to 10
side road. Turn right and drive 1.4 km. to 4th line
Nassagaweya. Turn left and go 200 meters to a small
parking lot on your right. A trail from here links
up with the Bruce Trail. I saw the C. Raven at a
beaver dam 2 to 3 miles in.
Continue on 4th line Nassagaweya to 25 side road and
turn left. Drive to 1st line Nassagaweya and go south
to complete the square.

Good birding,
Fred Urie

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