At Palgrave Conservation Area, north of Bolton , this morning were several interesting finds. A Sandhill Crane, probably heading north, was located, as well as a Raven in the exact same area as seen last spring.
      Other probable territorial birds were Northern Waterthrush, Ovenbird, Common Yellowthroat, Blackburnian, Black-thr. Green, Yellow-rumped, Black & White, Nashville, Yellow, Magnolia and  Mourning warblers, Swamp Sparrow, Catbird, Flicker, Downy & Hairy woodpeckers (latter feeding young), Indigo Bunting, Wood Thrush, Veery, Red-eyed Vireo, Willow Flycatcher, and at least 7 drumming Ruffed Grouse.
     Palgrave Cons.Area is at the north end of Duffy's Lane, north off Patterson Sideroad, located to the west of Highway #50, just as one enters the village of Palgrave coming from Bolton.
     Dave Milsom
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