Today I had the following migrants at Point Pelee, from West Beach to the

Almost nothing was singing, and there was almost nothing at the actual
Tip area.

Magnolia Warbler -- 27 -- record count for June
Wilson's Warbler -- 10
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher -- 12
Canada Warbler -- 4
Ovenbird -- 3
Northern Waterthrush -- 2
PALM WARBLER -- 1 (singing male)
Philadelphia Vireo -- 1
Mourning Warbler -- 6
Chestnut-sided Warbler -- 4
Swainson's Thrush -- 3
Veery -- 1
Nashville Warbler -- 1
Blackpoll Warbler -- 2
Black-and-white Warbler -- 1
American Redstart -- dozens
Yellow-breasted Chat -- 1 (probable migrant)

Unfortunately I won't be able to look for migrants again at Point Pelee
for about 12 days -- Fred Urie where are you ?!?!

Alan Wormington,

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