Just to let people know that the Wylie Road specialties are all still there.
My daughter and I were there yesterday, June 19, and had the following
(mostly on Wylie Rd):

BB Cuckoo - around 1 km from McNamee; another heard at the Art's Ranch sign,
about 3 km from McNameee

YB Cuckoo - heard clearly at south end of marsh

Loggerhead Shrike - at Art's Ranch sign, looking West (scope adviseable)

Sedge Wrens - at least 3 were calling in the marsh, 1 in south end, 1 near
bridge, and 1 at north end; only brief glimpses

Grasshopper Sparrow - seen and heard, east side of road opposite Windermere
Ranch sign (about 2 km north of marsh)

Snipe - seen on  fence posts....many hear

Upland SP - surprisingly few, but also try Prospect Road (which runs south
from highway 48 starting about 5-6 km west of Kirfield)

N. Harrier - a pair at sedge marsh, and another pair over the marsh at
Prospect Road

Savannah Sparrow - very common

Bobolinks and Meadowlarks, - common on both roads

Bluebirds - many on Wylie Road, both south and north of marsh


 From Kirkfield on Highway 48 east of Lake Simcoe, proceed north on County
Road 6. At 2.6 km past the Kirkfield Lift Lock, turn right (east) on
McNamee Road where County Road 6 turns sharply to the left. Then turn left
almost immediately on Wylie Road.

Jack Alvo

"The Alvo Family" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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