For the most part, bird life in Presqu'ile Provincial Park at this time
of year is highly predictable: birds, especially passerines (land birds)
have settled in on their breeding territories and stay within them until
their young are fledged.  Only a few individuals, probably non-breeders,
show up unexpectedly when most of their conspecific cousins have moved
on to other areas.

Although Wood Ducks are probably breeding somewhere in the Park, as they
have done in previous years, the lone bird in the marsh on June 22 is
the first one reported for at least two weeks.  An American Wigeon at
Gull Island was unexpected, as were a male Canvasback at the calf
pasture and a male Bufflehead in Presqu'ile Bay between 16 and 18
Bayshore Road, all three of which were seen on June 25.  A White-winged
Scoter mid-way between the lighthouse and Barcovan on June 22 was also
exceptionally late.

Surprisingly, a handful of migrant shorebirds can still be found on the
beach:  a Semipalmated Plover on June 24, a Ruddy Turnstone on June 26,
and a Semipalmated Sandpiper on June 24 and 25.  With the solstice
behind us, it will be only a matter of weeks until southbound shorebirds
begin arriving and blurring the distinction between spring and fall

One of the resident Barred Owls in Jobes' Woods was spotted on June 21.
No, that does not make it into a Spotted Owl, in case anyone asks.
Judging from the experience of previous years, from now on campers in
the more easterly campgrounds (Craigs, Maples, and Hidden Valley) may
expect to be awakened occasionally by the hooting of these birds.

A Brown Creeper was seen in Jobes' Woods on June 25, not far from where
a nest of that species was found two years ago.  There was a report of
two Northern Mockingbirds on June 22 at the western end of Lilac Lane.
On June 23, an American Redstart and a Mourning Warbler were both
singing near the lighthouse, where they have not been found for several
weeks.  On June 25, an Orchard Oriole was singing lustily near 76/77
Bayshore Road, the general area in which one or more have been present
since spring.

To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton.
Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid
that is available at the Park gate.  Access to the offshore islands is
restricted at this time of year to prevent disturbance to the colonial
nesting birds there.

Questions and comments about bird sightings at Presqu'ile may be
directed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fred Helleiner

186 Bayshore Road,
R.R. #4,
Brighton, Ontario, Canada, K0K 1H0
VOICE: (613) 475 5309
If visiting, access via Presqu'ile Provincial Park.

Fred Helleiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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