Dear OFO Members,

The 16 page June issue of OFO News will be mailed this week. Here are the highlights in page order.

Distinguished Ornithologist - Bob Curry: The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Bob Curry will be the 2003 and sixth recipient of OFO's Distinguished Ornithologist Award. The award will be presented to Bob at OFO's Annual Convention & Banquet on 20 September at Point Pelee.

Portrait of an Artist - Betsy Potter: Willie D'Anna tells of his life partner's career in art and their shared interest in birds. Betsy contributed four bird paintings to this issue.

What is the Saw-whetter? George Fairfield describes his first encounter in 1949 with a singing Northern Saw-whet Owl in northern Ontario. George discusses the origin of the Saw-whet's name from its call. Illustration by Brenda Carter.

OBRC Notes: Peter Burke, retiring OBRC Chair, discusses electronic rare bird submissions. The committee decided that it is still too early to count sightings of Trumpeter Swan on your list in Ontario.

In Search of Short-eared Owls: Marcel Gahbauer outlines the decline of the Short-eared Owl and how birders can contribute to a study of this species. Illustration by Brenda Carter.

Book Review: Birders - Tales of a Tribe: Bill Crins says that "all of us will be able to recognize familiar characters, including ourselves, and situations in our own birding experiences" in this fascinating book about birders.

Nature-friendly Golf at Whitevale: Geoff Carpentier tells how some golf courses are being excellent land stewards by enhancing wildlife habitat and practicing water conservation. Three photos by Brian Sambleson.

Favourite Birding Hotspots: Lake Erie Shore: Willie D'Anna has written the first birding site guide to the fabulous birding from Rock Point to Fort Erie. It includes three shorebird illustrations by Betsy Potter and a detailed map by Andrew Jano showing the locations described in the text. You'll want to take this guide into the field with you this summer and fall.

Some Forest Bird Changes: Ron Pittaway describes some forest changes he sees coming in Haliburton County and Toronto's ravines, which will affect future bird diversity.

The Value of Point Counts to the Atlas: Mike Cadman, with the use of range maps, shows how point counts will give important added value to the atlas by indicating the relative abundance for many breeding species.

Rails Retrieve Eggs: Ron Pittaway discusses Clapper Rails, which carry lost eggs back to their nests. He wonders if other rails retrieve eggs.

Tree Top Bittern: Jean Iron tells about an American Bittern, which she found perched near the top of a tall maple tree in Toronto. Photo by Jean Iron.

Tiny Marsh Trip Report: Ron Fleming tells about the birds seen on OFO's first field trip in late April to Tiny Marsh, one of the best birding spots in Simcoe County.

Future OFO Field Trips: A list of locations, dates, leaders, and birds expected to be seen on guided field trips this summer and fall.

Carden Alvar - Cameron Ranch Saved: Jean Iron and Ron Pittaway thank the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Couchiching Conservancy, Toronto Ornithological Club, OFO, Ontario Parks, and contributors who made possible the purchase of the 2869 acre Cameron Ranch, which will protect the nucleus of the Carden Alvar.

We thank the authors, illustrators and photographers, and we hope that you will find much of interest in this issue.

Jean Iron and Ron Pittaway
Editors, OFO News

Jean Iron
President, Ontario Field Ornithologists
9 Lichen place
Toronto ON  M3A 1X3


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