Hello Ontbirders

As expected on Canada Day, the first of the fall migrants have arrived in
the Ottawa area.

At the Almonte Sewage Lagoons, 2 Lesser Yellowlegs, and 8 Greater Yellowlegs
were feeding in the Southeastern most lagoon.

Also of interest: At the Burnside Pit, a pair of Redhead were seen  in the
lagoon on the east side of Moodie Drive, south of Trail Road. Although the
pair seemed inseparable, there was no sign of young. Four male Ruddy Ducks,
close to Moodie Drive, were also amusing.

To reach the Almonte Lagoons (in part, courtesy of the Mississippi Valley
Field Naturalists http://mvfn.ca/index.html ):
>From Hwy 417 West, turn East on Hwy 49. Continue through the town of
Almonte, past the intersection with Hwy 29. Here, Hwy 49 becomes County Road
16, Wolf Grove Road. Continue West, one mile, to Ramsay Conc. 8. At this
intersection you will find the heritage Auld Kirk church. Turn north, go
about 200m and park alongside the road. You will see the sign on the main
gate with an arrow to the trail entrance, about 20 m further. Hike to the
tower overlooking the lagoons.
Although the whole area is posted with no trespassing signs, birders are
most welcome as long as they accept entrance at their own risk. A new sign
stating so is posted on the main gate, across from the Auld Kirk Cemetery.

To Reach Burnside Pit (courtesy of Larry Neily,
http://members.rogers.com/larry.neily/birdguide.htm )
>From Highway 416 southbound, take exit 66 (Fallowfield Road). A 0.4 km
offramp dumps onto Fallowfield, where you will turn right or west. Follow
Fallowfield Road west for an additional 0.4 km to reach Moodie Drive. Turn
left or southeast onto Moodie Drive and go 4.5 km, passing Cambrian Road to
reach the Burnside Pits (second gate on the left). Park along the side of
the road without blocking the access.
NOTE: This site is private property and is an active quarry. The owners do
not want birders to enter their property and interfere with operations.
Trucks and machinery operate here on workdays. And please don't block the
roads into the quarry. Birding can be accomplished from the roadside, which
overlooks the pond, especially with a good scope.

Have a productive summer

Tony Beck


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