While at Pelee this morning I scoped out the gulls at the tip. All the usuals: Great Black-backed, Herring Ring-billed and Boni's were there however one gull really stood out. From what I observed everything added up to juvenile Lesser Black-backed Gull: Complete black bill, black eye patch and slightly smaller size and darker markings than juvenile Herring Gulls. (Herring Gulls were also present so I could compare the size). If anyone relocates this bird or has seen it I would really appreciate it if you e-mail me.
Other birds I found in Pelee included:
Sanderling-2 (tip)
Northern Mockingbird-1
American Redstart
Black-capped Chickadee
Spotted Sandpiper
Carolina Wren-2
Indigo Bunting-1 (heard)
Black-billed and Yellow-billed Cuckoos

and tons of HACKBERRY EMPEROR butterflies!!!

Marianne Reid
11 con.
East of Staples

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