Yesterday morning, Tania Havelka and I counted 65 active nests of
Double-crested Cormorant in trees on a fairly long peninsula in the Humber
(River) Marshes. This is in urban west Toronto about 1 km SW of Bloor and
the South Kingsway and about 1.5 km from Lake Ontario!!  It is a rather
amazing setting.  Apparently the birds nested there last year as well...did
anyone get a nest count in 2002 ???  Also, new cormorant colonies usually
(but not always) start up after the birds have been using a given area as a
diurnal loafing site or a post-breeding evening roost.  Can anyone confirm
that cormorants used this area as such in years prior to 2002 or 2003 ???
I'd appreciate any information anyone can give me on the status of
cormorants at this site prior to this year.

To get to the site by boat or canoe, one can launch at the King's Mill Park;
there is a boat ramp. From the Old Mill subway station, go west on Bloor St.
to Prince Edward Dr., go south on it to Berry St., go east to Stephen Dr.
turn left on Humber Valley Road to the Park and boat ramp. Canoe down river
about 10-15 minutes...the birds will be in tall trees on your'll
be able to hear them. Alternatively, consult a MapArt booklet map for the
location of a somewhat distant viewing station on the east side of the
Humber River, slightly downstream from the site.


D.V. Chip Weseloh, Ph.D.
Wildlife Biologist
Canadian Wildlife Service-Ontario Region
4905 Dufferin St.
Downsview, Ontario 
M3H 5T4
> Canadian Wildlife Service-Ontario Region web site:
Ornithological Council Website:
"Providing Scientific Information about Birds"


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