This morning I birded the upper part of the Mizzy Lake Trail in Algonquin, off of the Arowhon Road. Between 9 am and noon the birding was outstanding with large numbers of warblers and other migrant passerines moving through the bushes along the trail, especially near Wolf Howl Pond and West Rose Lake.

In total, 17 species of warblers were observed (Yellow-rumped, Magnolia, Nashville, Black-throated Blue, American Redstart, Blackburnian, Black-and-White, Black-throated Green, Chestnut-sided, Northern Parula, Bay-breasted, Tennesee, Blackpoll, Common Yellowthroat, Wilson's, Palm, Pine, Ovenbird).

Other migrants included Solitary Sandpiper, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Philadelphia and Blue-headed Vireos and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

Boreal Chickadees were seen and heard in several locations near Wolf Howl Pond and a female Spruce Grouse with two juvniles was seen along the railbed a short distance from the parking area.

DIRECTIONS: Algonquin Park is located along Hwy 60 between Huntsville and Whitney. The Arowhon Road is located about 15km east of the West Gate of the Park. Take Arowhon road north off of Hwy 60 for about 5 km. Where the road branches in three at the large Arowhon Resort sign, take the right branch and drive about 100m along the old railbed until you reach the chain across the road and park there. The railbed can then be walked. After about 15 minutes it joins up with the upper part of the Mizzy Lake trail and passes by Wolf Howl Pond and West Rose Lake. Most of the migrants were located near these two water bodies. Feel free to email me privately for more specific directions.

David Britton

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