This morning at 11:00 a.m. I watched a Black Vulture soaring above two
Turkey Vultures at Townsend sewage lagoons, it continued to circle for about
five minutes while steadily gaining height, and eventually moving off to the
North East.
       Other birds seen at the lagoons today were---Eared Grebe, seen in the
North West cell, a pair of Buff -breasted Sandpipers, foraging on the
mossy-like Algae that is growing in the South western cell near the dyke
that separates the two Southern cells. I saw a few Raptors--two Northern
Harriers , Osprey, and a Cooper's Hawk that took repeated dives at the
various shorebirds, but was unsuccessful on this occasion. I also saw a few
Bobolinks and some American Pipits.
       To find the Townsend sewage lagoons, follow the excellent directions
given by Dr. C. T. Burris, and remember that there are no trespassing signs
posted, so you enter at you're own risk.
         Keep looking up -----Tom Thomas.

"Tom Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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